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618. Musikhøjskolen - music and arts for kids and youngsters at Frederiksberg


  • Children 6-12
  • Children over 12
  • Children friendly
  • English available

Sing along!

We welcome you to a special evening of singing and joy! Come and join a solemn and musical experience og celebrating the special Danish sing along tradition with songs from our national and international heritage of melodies and songs.

As experienced and inspiring hosts of singing events, Manner Peschcke-Køedt og Clara Vuust will guide us through a colorful range of songs - from Højskolesangbogen and from the modern songs of our times. You do NOT need to be an experienced singer - the important issue is to experience the joyful togetherness of singing.

Coffee and tea will be at your disposal - bring your neighbor, your friend and your family - and join in!


Smallegade 12, 2000 Frederiksberg


18:00 - 23:00

Event type

  • Concert
  • Workshop
  • Music


  • Frederiksberg
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