Here you can log in and access your organizer profile.
If your dream is to create experiences out of the ordinary for a highly committed public this is where you can register as organizers for Culture Night and Family Culture Night.
Please note that in 2024 all organizers must create a new organizer profile even though you have participated earlier. The reason is that we have a new website and are therefore updating the database.
Please follow the directions for new organizers.
To create an active organizer profile, you need to send us an organizer application using the form below. Registration takes place in two steps:
1) Apply to be an organizer and wait for approval. The Culture Night Association evaluates whether you can participate based on the criteria listed here. Response will be sent by the mail indicated in the application within three weekdays.
2) Please remember that the application is not the content description of your event. Once you have been approved as organizers you must log in here and go to your organizer page where you can start entering the description of your event.
Registration in the Future
Once you are entered as organizers in the new database, your profile will be active for the next Culture Night, and you will simply be able to log in and click ‘Yes please – register us for Culture Night/Family Culture Night’ to participate again. You will then be ready to enter and update all information about your event.
You do it via the Log in-page here.
Find a guide to entering events here.
Your entered data will not be visible to Culture Night visitors before the programme is made public.
All deadlines for registration can be found on the page Important dates.